Monday, March 29, 2010

The Case

As I continue to research and figure out what others have said on my topic, I keep gaining ideas that lead me in a definite direction, but I'm definitely not done determining the best solution for online education motivation. I know that establishing a class that engages in material and analyzes information successfully are the leading factors that distinguish a successful online class. I have read a few articles that explain how teaching instructors to use new methods to teach a class will result in more success. This includes a style that utilizes student-led classes; rather than have the teacher control the class and allow some students to fall behind, the instructor would simply supply the backbone of the class. I believe this method could be an answer to the problem, but only on a certain level. Math classes and other classes that rely on the teachers to do the talking wouldn't thrive on this technique of teaching. This style could definitely motivate students to take the moose my the horns in a literature class. I'm not exactly sure what to do for classes with less-exciting material... One source mentioned that student motivation is strictly a combination of student-faculty interactions, students' critical thinking skills, student-to-student relations and student motivation. I think these elements could be universal for any type of online class. These elements actually make a lot of sense because the classes I have enjoyed and done the best in incorporate all these elements. I let myself fall behind in the classes than don't "do anything for me". I want my classes to HELP me do well. I want to know why the information is important and I want to understand what it takes to do well.

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